Industries where rugged devices are used the most

Each Industry as well as each individual organization requires computers, tablets and smartphones to support their day-to-day activities, achieve goals confidently and efficiently. As enterprise standards are far high in all markets. Many field work oriented companies require fully rugged computer and mobility solutions to be able to withstand the extreme environments that differ considerably from a regular day in the office.

Since 2018 Industrial One is being a place where we do deep market research and testing of various rugged devices to make sure they fit the North American environment and comply with the highest standards of every day growing industry.

See how Rugged computers, smartphones and tablets meet the rugged computing requirements for the below industries, enterprise mobility structure, and workflows.

Petrochemical & Mining

Oil & Gas

Managing and maintaining assets such as Pipelines, Gas Stations, Power Plants, Electrical and Telecom Towers is an everyday struggle for the Industry. User-friendly is the keyword to increase work efficiency enabling field engineers to get the job done right and on time.


Workers in a mining industry require unique forms of communication catered to their surroundings. Fire and explosion in hazardous areas can result in catastrophic consequences, causing serious injuries or death of workers and others, as well as significant damage to property.


Working in forestry is widely considered one of the most dangerous occupations in the world, with potential hazards around every corner, using a well protected and reliable way of communication is a must.

Transportation & Logistics

Warehouse Management

Warehouse management aims at order accuracy, timely delivery, minimizing inventory costs, and decreasing labor costs, quick response has also become a core competitiveness of logistics field. Therefore, selecting the right device is a key to keep warehouse running smoothly and efficiently.


With the advent of globalization, and the Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing the way of business operations, intelligent logistics plays a crucial role to realize highly effective logistics and reduce cost. A device features easy, secure and rapid data communication as well as interconnects with data-collected peripherals are vital to intelligent logistics success.

Transportation & Fleet Management

The safety and timely delivery of cargo are vital to logistic industry. The fleet manager needs all information to track, monitor and manage fleet vehicle, cargo and driver in real-time, reduce delivery costs while improving customer satisfaction.


The railway communications are very important for the overall operation of the railway. Runbo has been working on the system solutions for the industry since 2015, in order to meet the overall needs of customers. Let’s have a look at the situation of the railway industry.

Harbor Management

The shipping ports and container terminals are a complex environment with stocked containers, handling equipment, and available for 24 hours all-weather operation. To fulfill these conditions, port manager needs a reliable and tough enough device which resists the change of external environments while providing an optimized visibility for daytime and nighttime operation. In addition, container stacking area is wide and wireless signals are easily hindered.

Manufacturing & Quality Control

Working in the fast changing, high quality demand automotive manufacturing industry, means you’re most likely running a 24/7 shift where real-time data access & data sharing capabilities are required across the board by production managers, operators or inspectors alike. RuggON tablets are equipped with powerful & uninterrupted wireless communication capabilities to get the job done fast and accurately.

Public Safety

Border Services & Security

Devices like RuggON PM-311B, the first on the market, to fully integrate with MRZ reader allows patrols to effectively and accurately collect and analysis data in one stop.

Law Enforcement & Military

When in the field, it is important for police and law enforcement officers to collect and organize mission-critical data anywhere and everywhere, a consistent battle fighting against crime rate.


Quick and timely notifications & reports, precise and responsive navigation, real-time updates and monitoring are crucial for firefighters and rescue teams.

Healthcare & Rescue




Same as with firefighters, when it comes to saving a life, reliability and performance are crucial for Hospitals, EMS and Rescue teams

Construction & Maintenance



Land Suvey


Farming & Crops

Livestock Management


Whether its use is mission-critical or just to make your job a little easier, agricultural demand for rugged mobile technology is increasing. Industrial One’s devices keep up with the latest agriculture technology innovations, and our customers are using them to help track livestock with RFID, manage farm inventory, run irrigation control systems and more. We offer affordable rugged options that you can depend on.





Applications of Rugged computer systems can only be limited by your imagination, please feel free to contact us so we can help you with the right solution for your unique situation.